PetraPuppets Presents Friends on Board All Together @ Mastic Rec Center
Saturday, May 18th – 1pm-2pm
Families with children Age 4 through grade 6.
Join us for the zany and fun live puppet show ‘Friends on Board All Together’! Five friends in one van, all together? They need to learn about kindness, compassion and….loud snoring! Kids in the audience help Nugget the Wonder Chicken and the rest of the cast learn to get along with Steve in the funniest ways possible. But please do not bring Guacamole – it makes the chicken crazy!
Ventriloquist Steve Petra trained at the National Theatre of Puppet Arts and at Jim Henson Productions. He and his wife Jeanie have created over a hundred characters for their shows as well as writing all their own scripts, songs and music. He brings his shows to libraries and elementary schools all over! Steve is a member of The International Ventriloquist Society and the Puppeteers of America.
Registration open now! Click here to sign up.