It was started by the Academy of American Poets in 1996. While poetry can be enjoyed every day, National Poetry Month is a special time to celebrate the role of poets and poetry in our culture. The Academy offers activities and resources for poetry lovers. In addition, the website offers a “Poem-a-Day.” Sign up to read and enjoy a poem delivered to your inbox each day.

During this special month, April 29th is “Poem in Your Pocket Day.” It is celebrated by simply choosing a beloved poem, carrying it with you, and sharing with others in your family, school, workplace, community, or online. In this video, Jefferson-Madison Regional Library in Charlottesville, Virginia, shows the beauty and power of Poem in Your Pocket Day as they hand out poetry scrolls for people to enjoy.

If you would like to celebrate National Poetry Poem and Poem in Your Pocket Day, this resource includes many poems to get you started.