Calling All Crystal Lovers! 

February is upon us, and with that comes a new crystal of the month! Amethyst is a variety of quartz most commonly found in South America, Africa, and North America. It typically varies in color from a pale lilac lavender to mauve and deep violet due to the inclusion of iron and manganese in the soil and quartz deposits. A crazy fact about Amethyst is that over 5,000 tons of it is mined annually, making it one of the most abundant and most popular crystals in the world! 

Amethyst is best described as a crystal that enhances and invites spiritual energy in, increases willpower, and negates stress and anxiety. Michael Gienger, minerologist and author of Crystal Power, Crystal Healing, available at the Moriches branch of the MMSCL, states that amethyst is a mediation stone, helping to “quiet the mind and is an aid to finding deep inner peace and discovering wisdom within us” (pg. 229). As we embrace the final months of the winter cold and prepare for the upcoming spring, use amethyst to help clear your mind and body of stress and give yourself some motivation to get ready for spring cleaning – whether it be physical cleaning or making mental space for yourself. 

Amethyst is a great stone for those just beginning their crystal collection, and even more perfect for those who can’t seem to get enough!