April showers bring….CHICKS! The chicks are back in the Children’s and Parents’ Services Department! Well, the eggs are back. The chicks will hatch around April 21st. We have the eggs on display in an incubator, along with a countdown calendar that shows what’s happening inside the egg. We will have a webcam up and running […]
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Category: For All
Book Sale for Literacy April 23 & 24
April is National Autism Awareness Month
April 2 was World Autism Awareness Day. Help spread kindness and increase autism awareness during the month of April. For resources, services, and a list of local events visit Specialized Autism Support & Information (SASI) – www.facebook.com/SASILongIsland The Community Library offers many resources for our adult patrons. Materials available in our Career & Business, general adult collections and digital library collection include such titles as: […]