Other Organizations

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 92 Bellport , NY 11713
Contact Person: Nancy Marr, President
Phone: 631-730-6556
Website: http://www.lwv-suffolkcounty.org/LWVBrookhaven.html
E-mail: NMBrookhaven@lwv-suffolkcounty.org
Services Provided:

The LWV is a national organization with state, county, and local leagues throughout the 50 states. It is a non-partisan organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.


Join by calling Membership Chairperson, Robbie Fishman, 631 286-0614.

Eligibility Requirements: Men and women of voting age who reside in the town of Brookhaven and subscribe to the purpose and policy of the LWV of Brookhaven.
Hours of Operation:
Not for Profit: Yes

Other Organizations