Other Organizations

Address: 265 Neighborhood Road Mastic Beach , NY 11951
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 483 Mastic Beach , NY 11951
Contact Person: Chief, Carlo Grover
Phone: 631-281-9840
Fax: 631-395-3041
Website: http://www.masticbeachfiredepartment.com/
E-mail: webmaster@masticbeachfiredepartment.com
Services Provided:

Emergency services provided for areas south of Beacon, and between Havenwood Dr. and William Floyd Parkway to the water, on both sides. Wavecrest is the cut off point.


Board of Fire Commissioners phone#: 631 281-4040

Eligibility Requirements: Please see Services Provided
Hours of Operation: 24 hour emergency service
Not for Profit: Yes

Other Organizations