LIve-brary offers free access to thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks! To view the collection, read books, or listen to audiobooks using your computer, click here.

Libby, by Overdrive is an innovative new mobile app from OverDrive Labs. Libby is designed to make borrowing and enjoying eBooks and audiobooks from your public library easier than ever! To begin using, download the Libby by Overdrive App in your app store today.
Get the App: For Android | For iPhone/iPad
For help getting started using Overdrive or Libby, by Overdrive, click here.

Tumblebooks Explore our collection of large print and read-along chapter books. TumbleReadables are online electronic books which include our innovative text size slider which enables the reader to increase the text size to up to 34PT. Perfect for reluctant and emergent readers, ESL students and middle schoolers who just love to read!
Hoopla Digital has eAudiobooks available for streaming or download, in addition to its collection of TV and movies!
Get the App: For Android | For iPhone/iPad
For help getting started using this service, click here.
SimplyE: NYPL’s E-Reader App developed by The New York Public Library, SimplyE is a free, open source e-reader app that allows us to bring together our entire collection of more than 300,000 e-books and audiobooks and make them accessible all in one place.
Get the App: For Android | For iPhone/iPad