Classic Children’s eBooks

Sign up and download 50 free classic children’s books to read independently or side-by-side with a caring adult. Books including classics such as Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and more are digitally mastered in HD and are available in English and Spanish.

Live-brary: Your Digital Library

Explore our large collection of e-books and audiobooks for children. Use your library card to download to your PC or portable device 24/7, anytime, anywhere!


Explore our collection of large print and read-along chapter books. TumbleReadables are online electronic books which include our innovative text size slider which enables the reader to increase the text size to up to 34PT. Perfect for reluctant and emergent readers, ESL students and middle schoolers who just love to read!

Children’s Reading eResources


ABCmouse is designed to help young children (ages 2 – 8+) build a strong foundation for future academic success with more than 10,000 fun learning activities in reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music. More than 1,200 activities are offered in Spanish.
In Library | Home Use

NoveList K-8 Plus

Discover fiction titles that are popular with young readers, as well as titles to use in the classroom. Search by theme, topic or similar book.

In Library | Home Use

Sesame Street eBooks

eBooks, Audio eBooks, Interactive eBooks, and Animated eBooks

In Library | Home Use