Address: | 15 Herkimer Street Mastic , NY 11950 |
Mailing Address: | 3253 Route 112 Medford , NY 11763 |
Contact Person: | Cynthia Hernly |
Phone: | 631-281-7655 |
Fax: | |
Website: | |
E-mail: | |
Services Provided: | Designed for the frail elderly who need assistance in the activities of daily living. Provides support services Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the client and care giving families. Continental breakfast and hot lunch provided. |
Misc: | |
Eligibility Requirements: | 60 years of age and older. Town of Brookhaven resident under the care of a physician. Fee for service |
Hours of Operation: | Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 2 pm. Office hours: Monday - Thursday: 9 am -4:30 pm |
Not for Profit: | No |