Other Organizations

Address: Neighborhood Road and William Floyd Parkway Shirley , NY 11967
Mailing Address:
Contact Person:
Phone: 631-281-5034
Website: http://brookhavensouthhaven.org/history/manorstgeorge/st_george_manor.htm
Services Provided:

Tours; tour hours vary.


Granted to Col. W.E. (Tangier) Smith in 1653 for services to the crown, the estate today contains documents, furniture and portraits dating to the colonial era; site of a patriot victory in 1780, when the manor became Fort St. George.

Eligibility Requirements:
Hours of Operation: Grounds 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Wed.-Sat., May-October. No pets. Museum admittance by tour only; tour hours vary.
Not for Profit: No

Other Organizations