Address: | Yaphank Ave Yaphank , NY 11980 |
Mailing Address: | PO Box 700 Yaphank , NY 11980 |
Contact Person: | |
Phone: | 631-852-4500 |
Fax: | 631-852-4590 |
Website: | |
E-mail: | |
Services Provided: | The Suffolk County Board of Elections is committed to encouraging voter participation, administering fair and accurate elections, regulating disclosure and limitation, and protecting the rights of voters within Suffolk’s jurisdiction. In addition to supporting the laws and regulations governing elections, as set forth by the State of New York, Suffolk County Board of Elections is determined to advocate proper campaign practices in accordance with Fair Campaign Code. |
Misc: | |
Eligibility Requirements: | |
Hours of Operation: | |
Not for Profit: | Yes |